Website, work and WOLWeek

mirrored computer setup

It’s #WOLWeek and I’ve made some progress.

Working on my website is both frustrating and uplifting.  I’m moving deeper and deeper into digital technology.  I can see that unless it’s your job or unless you’re blessed with oodles of spare time, the frustration levels could choke the inspiration to be an online digitechy.

I now have a menu-just a small one, and have now connected my blog pages to BLOG instead of ABOUT US.  Insanity stopped in its tracks. I have a ‘sign up to blog’ page but can’t find the widget to allow people to leave their names.  Aagh!  Back to the You Tubes.  Hey what’s the craziest thing you’ve looked up how to do on You Tube?

I spent an inspiring afternoon at a school working with staff on their next whole school inquiry.  Armed with my Google Docs only to find that Google Drive was blocked I wondered about the way we learn.  Until we understand the benefits of something new, we tend to dismiss, ignore or ‘block’ it. So here’s my insight for today…learn something new each day, even if you don’t understand it to begin with …stay with it for a while – it might make sense.

The teachers were eager learners. They took some starters on board and, with their partners, moulded the substance of their level inquiries. Businesses and corporates could learn a thing or two from teachers about collaboration, sharing of ideas and consensus.

Today is catch up day.  Sending a video, downloading some images, a Google Form to yesterday’s client, a call to extend my web hosting from one month to twelve (you can see my confidence rising!) and writing my June newsletter.  It IS still June isn’t it?

Happy #WOLWeek.

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